I'd like to take this moment to update everyone who officially and unofficially follows the Dark Workshop. There is a reason there has been no content posted, and that is because I have been in the hospital for the last two weeks and only just recently got released. As such, there will not be much in the way of articles. Although, I do hope to finish the holiday special.
For those of you who are curious, I suddenly fell quite ill and that played havoc with my blood sugar and placed me in a diabetic coma. From there, I spent a week recovering in the intensive care unit. I am all healthy now and getting back on my feet so things should be returning to normal soon.
That's all for now. I hope all of you are enjoying better health and I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas. I'm looking forward to another exciting and interesting year. Enjoy your holidays and the new year!
Best Wishes from the Dark Workshop